Smart GOAL Example | Set your goal Smartly [Practical]

Smart GOAL Example

Smart goal example

Smart Goal Example helps you build a roadmap of your life — and that’s much bigger than success itself.

Setting goals allows you to paint a vision of what you wish your future to be.”

Catherine Pulsifer

Before we know smart goal we need to know what smart is actually!
S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

A common example is setting a smart goal for losing weight:

Specific: “Lose weight” is better than “be healthier”

Measurable: “Lose 30 pounds” is better than “lose weight”

Attainable: “Lose 30 pounds” is better than “run a 2 minute mile” (3:43 is the current world record)

Relevant: “Lose 30 pounds so I can fit in my old suit” is better than “Lose 30 pounds”

Time-bound: “Lose 30 pounds by next summer” is better than “lose 30 pounds”

So, “become healthier” would be a “wrong” goal. “Lose 30 pounds by next summer so I can fit into my old suit before my best friend’s wedding,” would be a “smart” goal.

Finally, choosing a smart goal helps to take practical steps toward progress in aspects that are important to you. It basically takes a vision (for example, “I’m going to be a healthy person”) and turns it into something you can plan around.

Some of the SMART Goals Examples:

  • ‌No consuming alcohol for at least one month.
  • ‌Publish a book by the end of the year.
  • ‌Get into the best shape possible
  • ‌Improve appearance ( Hydrate skin, get rid of acne, have good hair, clean teeth.)
  • ‌Do extremely well academically now that I will be heading to college.
  • ‌Interact with family more and show appreciation for them more.
  • ‌Network with more people, I like to think that I can learn something from everybody.
  • ‌To not drink or smoke.
  • ‌Manage my finances well once I start making money.
  • ‌Inspire and motivate people through social media platforms.
  • ‌Travel.
  • ‌Find a great partner who I can share experiences with.


Some other personal Smart Goal Examples

  • ‌Writing everyday.
  • ‌Working on business concepts every day.
  • ‌Working out every day.
  • ‌Maintaining a ketogenic diet.
  • ‌Taking a cold shower every day.
  • ‌Stretching every day.
  • ‌Taking a note on how my day went.



Now, how can you set a SMART Goal for you?

Excellent question, and a practical one. Here’s how I set small goals. You can find Smart example here practically.

I keep them as simple as possible, and I just have ONE primary aim per day.

Why one? To make it easy to focus and impossible to ignore.

So, what exactly do I do? Every morning when I wake up, I ask myself this question:

What is the ONE thing I’m determined to get done today?

The “ONE thing” refers to a single task, a single activity, or a single project that I promise myself I will finish completely by the end of that day. Over time, the “ONE thing” will add up to accomplishing a much bigger goal. Here are several examples.

👉🏾 Writing.

Small goal: Writing an outline for an article I’m preparing, a plan of work for the upcoming week, a blog post, a letter to a friend I want to reach out to today.

Big goal: Develop my writing skills so I can write and publish a book.


👉🏾 Completing tasks.

Small goal: proofreading my work before it is published, cleaning and organising  my inbox, preparing for a meeting or presentation, and sending an email with a completed product.

Big goal: Significantly boost productivity and make better use of my time.


👉🏾 Making progress on a project.

Small goal: Read one chapter of a book and take notes, perform preliminary research on a work issue at the library, listen to a 30-minute podcast on the journey, write an in-depth report or article on a fascinating topic.

Big goal: Mastery of a single field or subject matter is a big ambition.


👉🏾 Personal development.

Small goal: completing a 20-minute workout program, beginning a bullet notebook to track new habits for a month, and scheduling one hour each evening to read a book.

Big goal: Incorporate new habits in the coming year that will improve my physical and mental wellbeing.

So how can you set small goals by identifying your “ONE thing”?

Write it down. Take a large sheet of paper and write the question in big letters with a thick marker.

Hang it on your bedroom or bathroom wall. The point is that you make it easy to see every day.

Ask the question out loud. You can do this as you are brushing your teeth, stepping into the shower, or getting dressed.

Please take a few moments to answer. Ask yourself what’s on your to-do list for the day, then pick one thing that’s the most important to you and say it out loud.

Keep your answer top of mind as you go about your day.

This will help you stay focused on what’s important rather than being sidetracked by other things.

Start work on your one subject as quickly as feasible. In the first few hours of the day, your brain is more capable of solving analytical and complicated problem-solving tasks.

I hope these smart goal example and other important discussion will help you choose your destination.

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